Please see below an overview of activties to support your child's learning at home. Please do not hesiatte to contact us should you need any further information.
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Additional Website Links
Health and Well Being Support
Below are some links to support mental health and well being.
Social story explaining coronavirus
Public Health England - Looking after your feelings and body
Essex advice on supporting children with SEND at home
Essex advice on well-being and mental health
Council for disabled children advice
Action for happiness coping calendar
Place2be improving children’s mental health well-being activities for families
Active Learning
Below are some links to help you keep active and healthy as a whole family! Why not take a picture and share this on your portfolio via Class Dojo. Ready, steady, get fit!
Joe Wicks Kids Workouts- Youtube
Joe will upload kids workouts each day at 9am on his Youtube channel, The Body Coach TV. These are short videos that can be done in your home, very little space needed!
Go Noodle
Dance based workouts for all the family!
BBC SuperMovers
Movement activities that are also linked to curriculum areas.
Cosmic Kids Yoga- Youtube
Join Jamie and her wonderful themed Yoga sessions to help your child stretch and relax!
Dance lesson
Dance lessons with Oti Mabuse. Learn a new dance routine with Oti Mabuse and her partner Marius Lepure. This is live every day at 11:30 but you can view the class at any time.
5 A Day
Online 5 minute exercise and chill out routines for children.
Below are a list of links to help support your child's Maths skills at home.
Counting Songs- get up, get moving and sing along!
Number bonds to 10
Counting in 2’s
Counting in 5’s
Counting in 10’s
Counting to 100
Click on ‘Resources’ at the top of the page and then select ‘Most popular Free Maths Games’ and you will find lots of great maths games and activities covering various maths topics. It is particularly good for times tables practise and mental maths.
General Maths Websites
Below are some links to websites to help support your child's reading at home. Reading to your child every day is a great way for them to develop a love of stories and understand how stories are structured.
Read, Write Inc. Phonics
As you know as a school we follow the Read, Write, Inc. Phonics approach to teaching early reading. Please contact your class teacher to see which set your child needs to access;
Phonics Play comics to support reading
This can be accessed on tablets and mobile devices.
Oxford Owls
This is a website that has an ebook library. If your child has finished reading their book and needs some new material, have a search through this library.
The Literacy Shed
A website that has a collection of short videos and images with questions answer or ideas for follow on activities.
A great fun resource for practising all the words on the National Curriculum spelling lists. Just click on your year group and that will take you to all the appropriate spelling lists for your age, with games to choose at the bottom of the page.
A wonderful literacy website which has daily inspiration for writing creatively and improving literacy skills. It has wonderful images each day to spark ideas and then scroll down underneath the picture for excellent oral and written activities such as creative writing story starters, reading comprehension questions, grammar, punctuation, spellings and more.
Story Telling
Elevenses with David Walliams. Every day, for thirty days, David Walliams is releasing a section from his book The World’s Worst Children. Alternative link here to listen via sound cloud. Also available on his website are a range of activities that you can complete based on his books.
Stay at home storytime with Oliver Jeffers. Oliver Jeffers reads his stories online and these are available through his website at any time.
For the Love of Books
A local teacher from Dunmow has created a wonderful daily page on Facebook called ‘For the Love of Books’. She reads a different story every day (sometimes using puppets) and suggests activities related to the stories (particularly suitable for younger children). Every day she is accompanied by her faithful friend Nelson the dog!
Vooks is a site full of beautifully animated story books. It’s an American site and they are offering access for a year free for teachers and home educators. Hopefully this will include parents too if you fill in the online form.
General Resources
The National Literacy Trust has set up the ‘Family Zone’ free resources to support parents and families during school closures and have useful advice for all age groups.
Beginning Monday 20 April, BBC Bitesize will publish daily online lessons for all ages. They will also have a new dedicated TV channel full of learning content, podcasts on BBC Sounds and loads of educational video on iPlayer.
Another fabulous resource is
Join the pod for some activities, movies and games to help you learn all about energy, biodiversity, climate science and much more.,6G8W,20GNGV,O8J6,1#
Mystery Doug
This website answers a range of interesting Science questions for children, such as how old is the Earth or how are rainbows made? A good website to develop the inquiring mind!
Science Challenges
Watch a selection of videos to help you conduct science experiments at home using items from your kitchen cupboards.
Siemens interactive challenges
A series of interactive games that set your child engineering problems from designing a rollercoaster, to discovering which energy is used to effectively power a farm. These are available anytime.
Design activities for Lego lovers
Free Lego challenge a 30 day calendar with a Lego challenge for each day.
Cooking Lovers
Get kids cooking with Jamie Oliver. He shares recipes and advice on how to cook with children. These are available anytime through this website.
Below are some further links for you to explore:
Music lessons with Myleene Klass who will teach your child about the technical aspects of music while encouraging them to have a go with homemade instruments. This is available Mondays and Fridays at 10am. A lullaby session is also available on Wednesday evenings
DJ App
free djay app by Algoriddim
Djay guides users through every stage of mixing, teaching them the basics of decks and loops before giving you the freedom to mix and remix their library of music. All you need is a phone or tablet.
#DrawingwithSarah. McIntyre, Author of GrumpyCorn. These are released Mondays and Fridays around 10am. The videos can be accessed at any time.
Doodles to drawings
Lunchtime Doodles with Mo Willems ( a children’s book illustrator) Mo transforms his doodles into pictures.
Code Break program by
A free weekly webcast where the team teach coding and computer science to children and adults. They are also setting weekly challenges for beginners, experienced coders and even students without computers! Sign up to receive each week’s Code Break via email here.
Coding games on Scratch
A whole set of coding games for you to explore for free (although you may need to sign up to the website)
Barefoot computing
A computing website that is offering free resources for pupils during the school closure period. These activities explore computational thinking- without always needing to use a computer.