Gloucester Avenue, Shrub End, Colchester , CO2 9AZ
01206 574524

Happy new year everyone and welcome back to school for the spring term. We are Orange class and we are a mixed Year 1 and Year 2 class. There are currently 25 children in our class. Our teacher is Miss. Carlton and our LSA is Mrs. Brown.

This term we will be learning about the Roman history as we ask, ‘Who were the Romans?’ We will become more familiar with Roman achievements, homes, Boudicca’s revolt, food and beliefs. We will also be visiting the Roman Circus on the 3rd of March to learn more about our city’s importance 2,000 years ago.

In Science we will be exploring everyday materials and comparing them. We will be investigating the properties of materials and their suitability for different products and purposes in real life. We will be carrying out a wide range of experiments in class as we test different materials for their strength, waterproofing and other properties.

Our P.E. days are now Tuesday and Wednesday. Please make sure that your P.E. bag is in school with a white t-shirt, red shorts and plimsolls or trainers. It is also useful to have tracksuit trousers/jogging bottoms now that the weather is colder.

Please practise reading at home with your child who can earn mini certificates every time they have read three times or more. We have lots of Roman themed ones to collect this term.

Please continue to read the fortnightly emails that have optional home learning links and activities to explore. We also have a home learning grid full of activities to try at home. We would love to see what activities you have been doing so please send the projects in or take a photo.

If you have any further questions, please feel free to speak to me before or after school. You can also send an email to

Thanks for reading!

Miss Carlton and Orange Class

Class files

KFI Homework Sheet.pdf .pdf
Year 1 and 2 Block 2 2025 Home Learning Menu.pdf .pdf
Block Overview for parents Orange Class .pptx .pptx