Gloucester Avenue, Shrub End, Colchester , CO2 9AZ
01206 574524

Stay and Play 



Stay and Play is a toddler group that welcomes children (birth to five) and their carers to meet on a regular basis, and encourages them to take part in many different activities and experiences together.





The group provides opportunities for children and adults to socialise, exchange ideas and to learn from one another. We also have staff visiting from the local children's centre to offer advice and support.






Stay and Play meets on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. until 10:30 a.m. in the main hall of King’s Ford Infant School and Nursery, Gloucester Ave. The cost is £2 per family which will cover the cost of tea/coffee and biscuits.






There are many activities offered: messy play (paints, play dough, sticking and cutting), group activities (singing, story telling) and an assortment of toys and apparatus for children to explore.






If you are interested in joining us at Stay and Play and would like more information please contact the School Office.


We are open to parents, carers, grandparents and childminders with babies and children up to 5 years of age. We look forward to meeting you.