Gloucester Avenue, Shrub End, Colchester , CO2 9AZ
01206 574524

Welcome to Yellow Class!


Welcome to Year 1


I am Mrs. Canham, I teach Yellow Class from Monday to Thursday. Mrs. Scott teaches on Friday. Miss. Ayliffe and Mrs. Nielson are the Learning Support Assistants. 


We are always available to speak to at the end of the day. If you would prefer you can email us or make an appointment. 


Our Block 1 theme is Geography. The question we will be asking is 'How is life different in the Amazon from where I live?' 


We will be exploring our local area and contrasting it with life in the Amazon Rainforest. There are some ideas for things that you might like to do at home on our homework sheet. You can either bring homework in or send in a photograph. 

In Science, we are learning about humans and other animals. We will be looking at animal groups. 


Everyday Matters 

  • The children need to bring a water bottle to school every day. They can drink from it whenever they need to.  

  • Please send a book bag in every day. We write messages in the home school book and you are welcome to add messages too. We have a reading challenge in the class. The children collect certificates when they have read at home.  

  • Your child will need a P.E bag with shorts, tee shirt and plimsolls. They will also need a coat whatever the weather as we make full use of our outdoor learning areas. Please make sure you have your name written your child’s name on everything so that nothing gets lost.  

Home learning 

Here are some things you might like to be doing at home. 

Look at the homework sheet for this block and choose something that you would like to do.  

Talk to your family about what you are learning at school. 

Read a book from school or from home. Share it with someone at home, talk about the pictures and what you are finding out. 

Practise reading and writing the words in the middle of your home school contact book. You could copy them out and make flashcards.  

You can also go to the ictgames website or topmarks Maths to play maths games for areas that we have worked on together. 

We look forward to working with you and your children. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you require any help or information. 

We look forward to working with you and your child this year. 


Year 1 Team 


Block Planning

Year 1 Homeowrk Menu Block 1.pdf .pdf
Year 1 Block 1 Topic Grid.pdf .pdf