Science at King’s Ford Infant School and Nursey means exploring, discovering and investigating. We aim to provide the children with first hand investigations encouraging children to ask questions, make predictions and then test their ideas to discover more about the world around them.
Our children have a natural curiosity about the environment and we build on this through providing exciting and engaging lessons. These activities help children gather the experience they need to understand the world in which we live. Children engage in practical investigations linked to our topic work. They develop the skills of observing and recording information accurately. We are very lucky to have gardening areas around our school and forest school facilities to enrich our studies.
Science in the Foundation Stage
Science is introduced through topic based activities that encourage our children to explore, observe, problem solve, predict, make decisions, think, and talk about the world around them. This is called 'Understanding of the world' which is one of the four specific areas of learning in Early Years Framework. Early Years science also helps children with skills in other Foundation Stage areas of the national curriculum.
Understanding of the world
Children explore animals, people, plants and objects in their natural environments. They observe and handle objects and materials to identify differences and similarities. They learn about things that are natural and manmade and their different properties. Children also learn to use their senses, feeling dough or listening to sounds in the environment. They will be encouraged to ask questions about why things happen and how things work.
Science in key stage 1
Working scientifically underpins all learning- it is a continual approach in all the science we do. During years 1 and 2, pupils are taught to use the following practical scientific methods, processes and skills.
The children are provided with many enrichment opportunities to explore science. From watching hen’s eggs hatch and caterpillars changing to butterflies.
The children have also enjoyed learning about science through exploring the school grounds and visiting local areas, with trips to the zoo and the Castle Park and various local nature reserves.
Useful Science websites for children to access from home, some of the content in these websites is also used by staff at the school.