Gloucester Avenue, Shrub End, Colchester , CO2 9AZ
01206 574524

Welcome to Purple Class!




Hello everyone and welcome back to the summer term!

We are Purple class and we are in Year 2. There are currently 21 children in our class. Our teacher is Mr. Chase and our LSAs are Mrs. Brown and Miss. Smith

This term our theme for the block is ‘How do living things depend on each other for survival?’ We will be learning about the animals and plants that can be found in different habitats and microhabitats locally and around the world. For more details please see the block 3 topic grid document. We will also be using scenes from the film ‘A Turtle’s Tale’ to help inspire us when we write.

The end of Key Stage 1 SATs assessments for Year 2 pupils will begin on the 13th May. This will include arithmetic, reasoning and reading papers. Please help us to do our best by making sure we get a good night’s sleep and have breakfast each morning.

We will be visiting Abberton Reservoir on the 7th of June and there will also be a trip to Frinton beach at the end of term. The Year 2 leavers’ assembly will take place at 2.15 on Friday 19th July in the school hall. All are welcome to attend our end of year celebration.

Swimming lessons will begin after the Easter holidays. Children will need to bring a swimming cap, goggles, sensible swimwear (no baggy shorts), a towel and a named bag. There is no need to bring armbands because the children will use noodles and floats.

Please continue to check our fortnightly emails for weekly activities and teaching videos. If you have any questions about anything please feel free to speak to Mr. Chase before or after school. You can also send an email to

Thanks for reading!

Mr. Chase and Purple Class

Year 2 Block 3 Homework Menu.docx.pdf .pdf
Topic Grid Year 2 Block 3 2024.pdf .pdf