Gloucester Avenue, Shrub End, Colchester , CO2 9AZ
01206 574524

Healthy School

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As a whole school we have adopted a Healthy School approach.  The program is designed to help our pupils to develop a healthy lifestyle; a healthy lifestyle includes making positive choices about diet and exercise, developing social skills and recognising responsibilities.

The school adopts the Coram Life SCARF Personal Development Programme which provides resources to help pupils learn how to be the best they can and to take pride in everything they do.  

Within ICT pupils develop an awareness of Internet Safety guidelines and to how to use digital devices responsibly within their daily lives.  Furthermore, Science incorporates a variety of healthy school topics such as;our living world and where our food comes from. Click to access e-safety 

The schools introduction of the forest school contributes to our Healthy School approach enabling students to develop practical skills out in the fresh air such as; team work, resilience, communication skills and recognising the different seasons. Click to access Forest School

Within the school there are a wide variety of healthy school clubs such as; breakfast, cookery, gardening, yoga and dance clubs. Click to access clubs

 We promote healthy eating within our school by providing guidance on what to include in all packed lunch boxes and we provide varied menu which is changed termly.  Click to access school menu     Click to access lunchbox guidance

Below are suggested websites for further information: 

This week in Cooking Club we made fruit Kebabs. We had a range of fruits to choose from: mango, pineapple, melon, kiwi, blueberries, raspberries, strawberry and oranges. We looked carefully at the fruits and talked about the taste and textures of them. Next we used knives to cut the fruit into smaller pieces to go onto our skewer. We had to be careful because the skewer had a sharp end. When adding our fruit we tried to use as many different types as possible to make it colourful and to make sure we are getting our 5 a day

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All Year 2 pupils are enjoying weekly swimming this term.  This is a wonderful opportunity for pupils to gain confidence in the water and to improving their swimming techniques with their peers.

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Year 1 have been enjoying spending time in their garden, preparing the soil, along with, planting and watering their seeds.  This is valuable time for the pupils to spend time in the fresh, work as a team and to experience the opportunity to grow their own plants.

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Breakfast Club provides an excellent start to the day.  Breakfast choices include healthy cereals, fruit, yogurts and juices.  Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and we encourage all pupils to the start the day with a breakfast.

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Exercise is a daily activity as it is vital to keep us healthy and strong 


SCARF resources are used to aid our PSHE lessons.  Which aims to enable pupils to develop skills to live a healthy and positive life.
