We aim to identify children with SEND using a graduated approach. This will be done using a range of assessments and observations and gathering evidence from teachers, parents, SENDCO, support staff and other relevant professionals. Where a pupil is identified as having additional needs or is attaining significantly below age appropriate expectations then further support will be put in place and recorded on a personal provision plan. There will then be a meeting with school staff and parents which will result in Personal Provision Plan for the child. The plan will be monitored and reviewed on a regular basis, involving parents, staff and children where appropriate.
The school offers a range of additional interventions to support children’s learning and development from existing school staff. This could be done through focused group work, targeted interventions, one to one support or therapeutic support. Other professionals may be involved where appropriate from specialist services.
Every half term we review how well all children – including those with SEND – are progressing. We call this our Pupil Progress Review Meetings (PPR). We also arrange termly meetings with parents of children with SEND to talk about their progress, review their targets and plan next steps. We will provide a formal written report on progress and attainment once a year.
93.5% agree or strongly agree that the school staff understand their child's need
FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (How we identify, assess and plan support)
Q. If my child has been assessed as having a SEND, what happens next?
A. Class teachers will talk to the SENDCO and discuss what the next steps will be. Sometimes this will mean extra support from a learning support assistant or small group intervention. Sometimes we will involve a specialist service.
Q. What should I do if I think my child has a SEND?
A. You should contact the school and ask to talk to your child’s Class Teacher who will then talk to the SENDCO about possible next steps. The SENDCO will always talk to you about your concerns and if there is an agreement that your child has a special educational need the school will work with you to plan a programme of support.
Q. What should I do if I am worried about how my child is progressing and how often will I be able to discuss my child’s progress?
A. You can contact your child’s Class Teacher at any time to arrange a meeting to discuss these concerns.